Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Life Coaching

So I graduated from Dr. Sam Chand's Dream Releaser Coaching and I'm ready to reach out and touch somebody.  The program was intense and challenging.  It is no joke.  It required a year's worth of training, supervised coaching, and hours of homework, but now I am a believer in the benefits of having a life coach.

I had to learn the difference between coaching and counseling, mentoring, and consulting.  Coaching is client driven.  My role as a coach is to help you connect the dots, to see where God has already been working in your life, and to discover where He is taking you.  As the client makes this discovery his or her purpose and passion emerges in a dream for his or her life.  Sometimes people already know what their dream is, but sometimes the dream is lurking in their subconsciousness waiting to be pulled up and cast in the form of a vision and goal for life.

After the dream is discovered and articulated, the role of the life coach is to assist the client in the formation of a S.M.A.R.T. goal.  A SMART goal is a goal that is Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-specific.  For example, a SMART goal might be: "I want to complete a book manuscript by the end of this year and solicit ten publishers for publication," or even something more basic such as, "I want to lose twenty-five pounds by the end of the year." 

Chances are that there is a dream in you.  You may already know exactly what it is, or you may just have a "feeling" a sense that there is something in you that is trying to get out and acheive something of significance.  As a life coach I can help you.  I'll be posting my website address in the near future with specifics on costs and benefits.

1 comment:

  1. You always dream of being the best among your colleagues and you want to be praised and appreciated in your organization. Isn’t it? You obviously wanted to have a good strong repute in your office and you feel jealous when one of your colleagues is being praised! Isn’t it? You absolutely feel bad when you are being insulted in front of colleagues! Isn’t it? Now it’s time to work hard and become smart and prove your self to be the smartest! But how it will be better for you a life coach can advise you in good ways.
